Saturday, August 7, 2010

Calorie-Free DORITOS(r)!

I did a bad thing.  But it does have some good on the front and the back of it.

Good thing at the front:  I donated a pint of blood on a Friday.

Bad thing in the middle:  The next day, after skipping breakfast and driving to Eugene, Oregon, I ate my sister-in-law-equivalent (SILE)'s nearly-full bag of Doritos(r) crisps (Nacho Cheezier flavor) almost by myself.  I doled out one or two chips to SILE and her son (Nephew Equivalent, or NE).  So I DID share.  A little.  I promised to replace the crisps.  But I sorta forgot, 'til my spousal-equivalent (SE) and I were on our way home on Sunday.

Good thing at the back:  I got home and designed CROCHETED DORITOS(r)!  Yummy little crocheted triangles with happy faces stitched to them.  The tail left at the top gets untwisted and becomes 'hair' or maybe a good spot to tie them to, say, a Christmas tree.

They're terribly popular with my co-workers.  They've been encouraging me to get an site to sell them.  We'll see, eh.  For now, I just ask them to add an extra dollar to their favorite charity next time they give.

Sometime, I'll even figure out how to post some pix of the C-F Doritos(r).  Props to the makers of those gloriously evil comestibles.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hajime-chan Yokosou!

I've sorta finished my first, utterly CUTE little Tammy Snow Sheep amigurumi from "Tiny Yarn Animals." Her name is Hajime (Japanese for "beginning").

I've been a bit slow to attach her arms and legs permanently, but she's SOOOOOOOOOO cute, anyway. She is my official yarn needle monitor.

I plan to reward her with a little tail that's not included in Tammy's pattern.

Good times, eh!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Amigurumi #1

I'm attempting the CUTE little sheep from "Tiny Yarn Animals" by Tami Snow. It's only a little lopsided. ;-)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Getting Hooked on Stix

Curses! I've been sucked into the knitting thing. I'm among the Chix with Stix. I do, however, still occasionally reach for my new Size "N" Tunisian crochet hook from Laurel Hill. (Eugene outfit that sells crochet hooks and knitting needles made from SUSTAINABLE materials) Google 'em. They're great.

(BTW, my TCH also serves as a pointer--no fingerprints on people's monitors, a Harry Potter wand prop, and a potential disciplinary device.)


Friday, December 26, 2008

Party Pants!

My Sweetie gave me the COOLEST pair of Party Pants for Hanukwanzmastice! They're great for wearing about and crocheting. The smooth polyester doesn't catch the acrylic yarn in an unpleasant fashion.

I might be able to finish Mum's unblocked lap robe before I see my fam for "Greek Orthodox Christmas." (Not really 6th Jan; we call any hol or birthday celebrated on an altered schedule "Greek Orthodox ." Respect to all our true Greek Orthodox friends!

Gotta put something up on Twitter. So far, I think I'm following myself.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tweet! I'm on Twitter Now!

Check out the stuff at the left of the page. (It's on the left 'til I move it or something.)


Friday, November 28, 2008

Got a Crochet Blog, Now!

Not much time blog, really. I'm crocheting *another* fishnet laprobe for a family member for the upcoming hols. I've just put the finishing touches on robe #...12 I think. Green with yellow trim for a University of Oregon student. Next up is a yellow one with green trim for his stepdad!